
Syafira Burhanuddin // 21 // Applied Geology, UM

31 December 2010

2010, thanks for the memories.

Okay, hari nie hari terakhir untuk tahun 2010. Gahhh, kejapnya masa berlalu. See, I'm gonna be a form 5 student. Wahh, tak mahu. Aku tak nak jadi form 5 lagi. Aku tak nak habis sekolah. Aku tak nak amek spm. Aku nak main main lagi. I'm not ready yet. Kan best kalau jadi macam Peterpan dengan Tinkerbell. Mereka tak membesar pun kan. HAHA, Syaff dah mula merapu. :D

Well 2010, you're really a bitch. But you've taught me a lots. You've made me stronger. You gave me lessons  to learn so that I'll never repeat my mistakes. Thanks to those who had left. Tariq, you're a jerk, yes, but if you stay maybe I'm still stuck with your unreal love and my fairytale which will never happen. So thanks for showing me that not everything is as sweet as we imagine it will be. Yeah, I'll never let myself fall too hard and too fast like I fell for him, again. It's okay, aku tak simpan apa apa perasaan pun kat kau. I'm not mad at you anymore. :)

And for Suhaila, I thought you'll understand but you never did. So thanks, I finally realize that nothing is forever. And forever never exist. Everything will end, eventually. Part of me is still hoping that we will still be friends but another part of me can't forget what you had done. Your ego, is too high and I can't accept that. So I'm sorry for hurting your feeling. It's for your own sake. I hope you'll be happy. 

There's too many things that I don't know how to put it into words. Love, friendships, life, school, drama that will never ends. Thanks. Thank you for the memories. :)

Dan untuk kau, thanks sebab tahan dgn perangai aku. :)