
Syafira Burhanuddin // 21 // Applied Geology, UM

31 December 2011

Yes baby, It's still going strong;

Haa, ini kawan baik saya. Saya kenal dia since sekolah rendah lagi tau tau.

Yes Aqila Aliya. It's been almost 10 years. Lama gilewww dowhhh. Hahah I am glad to I know that I still have you. I'm sorry for everything. Yes, at first aku macam terasa hati jugak lah kau macam dah nak berubah semua. Changing for good. I'm afraid you'll forget me or you don't wanna be friends with me anymore. Tapi sekarang saya yakin dgn friendship kita dan saya gembira awak dah macam nie. Infact, I'm proud of you baby <3 Bukan semua orang boleh berubah macam awak buat. 

and no matter what, I'll always gonna support you in everything you do. I'm gonna be there for you k ? Sayang awakx ketat ketat 

30 December 2011


Yeahh, aku rindu gila moments dulu.

28 December 2011

Lasting Relationship ♥ ;

Yeahh. Everyone wants it. And me, honestly, I want us to last. I just don’t want to have a great couple of months with you and then it’s over, I don’t want to experience the feelings of being lost and hurt all over again. I just wanna be with you all the time. No matter what happens, no matter what challenges, or how hard our situation is, we”ll keep fighting for our love. 

almost 7 months <3

27 December 2011

New Chapter;

Yeah. Goodbye 2011. I'm moving on. No more hurts. No more wallowing in self-pity. I've really learnt my lesson. I apology for everything and I forgive everyone. No hard feelings.
I just wanna be happy back again.

22 December 2011


Well, UTP is great but I don't think engineering is my field.

Anyway, I think it went well.

11 December 2011


When I met you just now, I suddenly miss you.
I miss having a long chat with you.
I miss every morning, we went to school together.
Hanging up with you
Gossiping with you
Sharing stories with you
Hearing stories about your crushes
Laughing like HELL together 
Wtw with you and we kept cursing towards each other
I miss everything, everything we used to do.

I know that now you've changed, for good.
And I'm glad that you have a real friends now.
But I feel that we have a huge gap,
and I know you feel the same thing.

It just, I miss the old you
The old us.

08 December 2011


Well, I guess everyone has their own life kan?
I'm backing off.
Have fun girls. 


Kalau tiba tiba rasa aku hilang untuk beberapa minggu nie, jangan tanya kenapa. Aku just dah fed up nak menghadap perangai 'kawan' or 'BFF' yang macam ... I don't know, err yang mcm bangsat? LOL.

I've told you, BFF is just a meaningless figure of speech.
Nahh, I'm okay.


Kenapa aku tak boleh nak laung merdeka lagi?

Damn, last paper.


Wander back to last year;

Jyeahh, this time last year, everything was sooooo different.
I was in a relationship with Syed Falah.
I worked at Pizza Hut.
I had a boy best friend.
I was surrounded with aLOT of friends
I had a very best girl-friends
I excited with my senior year.
and I was stronger.

Well, things changed.