I've moved on and that's it.
I'm happy with him and I'm sure you're happy with her too.
Saya suka rapat dgn awak just sebagai kawan karib, tak lebih dan tak kurang. :)
p/s It's brotherly-love
Syafira Burhanuddin // 21 // Applied Geology, UM
25 March 2011
What's bff?
Idk why but I feel like everyone has changed now.
I've already lost two best friends.
From a cheerful bitch to heartless.
From a friend that I share every secrets and now we're barely talk.
Am I gonna lose another one?
From a cool girl to a sarcastic bitch who doesn't know how to feel anymore.
What's next?
Am i gonna lose you and you and you too?
Are you gonna back stab me like he did to her?
Are you gonna be heartless too?
And are you gonna hate me like you hate her?
Yeahh, I can't judge. I'm not in their shoes. I don't know how they feel. Yahh, you're right.
Idk, I just afraid.
Please don't change.
I've already lost two best friends.
From a cheerful bitch to heartless.
From a friend that I share every secrets and now we're barely talk.
Am I gonna lose another one?
From a cool girl to a sarcastic bitch who doesn't know how to feel anymore.
What's next?
Am i gonna lose you and you and you too?
Are you gonna back stab me like he did to her?
Are you gonna be heartless too?
And are you gonna hate me like you hate her?
Yeahh, I can't judge. I'm not in their shoes. I don't know how they feel. Yahh, you're right.
Idk, I just afraid.
Please don't change.
When we hurts too badly,
something inside us just shut down.
19 March 2011
Seventeen is just a number;
Wahhh, I'm barely seventeen.
What do I want for this birthday?
Nahhh, I don't wanna such things.
I just wanna be happy
and I just wanna enjoy my senior year. :)
Happy seventeen Farah Syafira.
You've grown up.
18 March 2011
Where are you?
Okay, aku tak tahu kenapa rasa macam cacing kepanasan nie.
Aku risau Azmie yang tiba tiba hilang atau sebabdia tak text aku lagi?
Abaikan Syafira, abaikan.
Aku risau Azmie yang tiba tiba hilang atau sebab
Abaikan Syafira, abaikan.
Am I gonna repeat my same mistake again?
Yes, you are! And that's it. Syafira never learn her lesson.
Tahniah untuk kau. -.-"
Tahniah untuk kau. -.-"
15 March 2011
What a lovely day;
Dengan 50% homework aku dah siap, project current yang dah bersentuh, dengan cuaca angin sepoi sepoi bahasa, dapat hang dgn Wana Qila dan Amaa, dapat jumpa Kak Wanie yang dah berabad menyepi, dapat jumpa Zaki, dengan ada beruk peneman aku. Hidup memang indah! :D
With you by my side,
I'll be okay then.
Another moments to remember.
14 March 2011
Only if you knew;
If you only knew
I'm hanging by a thread, the web I spin for you
If you only knew
I'd sacrifice my beating heart before I lose you
I still hold onto the letters you returned
You helped me live and learn
It's 4:03, and I can't sleep
Without you next to me, I toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe in is you
Believe in is you, I still believe in you, oh
If you only knew
I'm hanging by a thread, the web I spin for you
If you only knew
I'd sacrifice my beating heart before I lose you
I still hold onto the letters you returned
You helped me live and learn
It's 4:03, and I can't sleep
Without you next to me, I toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe in is you
Believe in is you, I still believe in you, oh
If you only knew
Shinedown's Only If You Knew
satu dua tiga;
Macam mana nak cakap dekat kawan kawan kita yang kita sayang mereka sangat sangat?
Kawan kawan,
Saya sayang anda semua!
Maaf kalau saya ada buat anda sakit hati.
Jangan tinggalkan saya sorang sorang eh?
Macam tuh, boleh tak?
Abaikan lagi.
Kawan kawan,
Saya sayang anda semua!
Maaf kalau saya ada buat anda sakit hati.
Jangan tinggalkan saya sorang sorang eh?
Macam tuh, boleh tak?
Abaikan lagi.
Okay, ini general;
Pelik kan? Asal cepat sangat kita nak sayang dekat orang? Tak kenal hati budi, dah nak over over. Then bila dia dump kau, barulah nak benci lah, nak fuck sana, nak fuck sini. Masing masing dah besar lah, dah boleh fikir mana salah, mana yang tak. Sebelum nie, haa, memang dia lah the one, dia lah everything, tapi sekarang dia jadi sasaran carut pulak ye? Yes, dia teruk. So get over him. Tahulah susah tapi kau kena cuba jugak. Sebab tuh agaknya mak aku cakap kalau nak sayang orang, jangan bagi 100% hati kita kat dia, nanti in the end kita jugak yg miserable. Haihzz.
Tak, ini untuk diri sendiri.
Tak, ini untuk diri sendiri.
05 March 2011
Tak semua kau rencana kan berlaku
Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
Entah mengapa engkau yang aku cinta
Lebih baik kau kulupa saja
Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
Entah mengapa engkau yang aku cinta
Lebih baik kau kulupa saja
Dan aku memang penakut
Mengakui cinta kepadamu
Mengakui cinta kepadamu
Seribu kali ku cuba ucapkan
Bila bersamamu
Kau bukan milikku
Bila bersamamu
Kau bukan milikku
Dan engkau pun tahu
Kau bukan milikku
Kau bukan milikku
- Yuna, penakut
Yes, aku penakut. I couldn't bare to lose you.
This is not about love, this is about friendship and brotherly-love.
This is not about love, this is about friendship and brotherly-love.
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