
Syafira Burhanuddin // 21 // Applied Geology, UM

28 February 2011

Forgive me;

Can you forgive me again?
I don't know what I said
But I didn't mean to hurt you

Sorry, I am so sorry. Salah aku. Aku tak patut masuk campur. I should just sit there and listen. It's my fault. Idiotic Syafira. Now, everything's screwed up. Aku tak tahu macam mana nak jadi macam dulu. Life's so cruel, isn't it? Kau kisah macam mana pun pasal orang, kau kana end up jadi pathetic sorang sorang. Takpelah, aku dah biasa jadi second choice. Salah aku jugak. 


I'm not strong enough for this;

Aku rasa makin jauh dgn kawan kawan lama aku 
dan makin susah nak dekat dengan kawan kawan baru aku.

Kenapa eh?
Aku kisah pasal orang, tapi orang tak pernah kisah pasal aku.
Hidup mmg mcm tuh ke?

Mana Syaf yg heartless dulu dah hilang?

27 February 2011


"I just can't put the blame on me cause you know if the person doesn't have any boyfriend , her best - boy-friend will be the boy she-loved the-most , automatically she will affected when she knows he has someone else ."

I found this in one of the blogs I followed. Sorry eh, aku copycat ayat kau. hikhik. 

I'm accepting the fact that me and him are gonna be just friends.
Dia tgh happy, aku patut rasa happy jugak kan?
Tak, aku bukan suka dia, ini semua bukan crush.
Ini semua sebab dia the only kawan lelaki aku yang rapat.
This isn't about love , this is so called friendship and brotherly - loved.
I'll be okay.
I promise.

Life as a form 5 student;

Gahh, it's been a busy week for me. Dgn handphone kena rampas, hati berkecai-kecai kena tembak dgn senapang gajah, result exam yang langsung tidak membanggakan, homework yang berlambak-lambak, PMS again and again, other people's shit, cikgu yang menopause tiap-tiap hari,  jawatan yang memenatkan dan pergi sekolah tujuh hari seminggu. Fuhh, memang awesome gila.

Please, I just need a fucking rest to refresh my mind. It's been a week of hell.

20 February 2011


Best friend forever, will you? :)

19 February 2011

And hopes going up again;

Tolong, sila, please give me a way to get over him if every fuckin' day I get to see him, talk to him, joking around with him and he keeps being such a sweet guy with me. -.-"

I'm hopeless.

17 February 2011

I'm moving on;

What if he is your prince charming
but you're not his Cinderella? 

It's okay. This time, I'll try harder to get over you. I'm not a part of this story.
I'll be happy for you kawan  :)

13 February 2011




p/s maaf, emosional sikit malam nie. xD

11 February 2011

It's okay :)

I'm hurting even more.
I just want you to be happy even though this thing is killing me inside.
I don't wanna see you hurts anymore.
So it's okay..
I'm back in reality.
We're friends and I'm not supposed to have this feelings.
My bad, you're too sweet.
If you need me, I'll be there for you.

Maybe the best way to be close with you is just being a friend. Liking someone doesn't mean you have to be a lovers. Sometimes you just have to be friends. :)

Ily kawan. 

06 February 2011

IDGAF baby;


Seriously, you're funny man!
I never thought you can be that funny.
You never learn your lesson, do you?
What do you expect me to do?
Forget everything so that we can be like we used to be?
Gahh, you got the wrong girl man.
Do you think asking all your friends to add me in facebook,
asking them to flirt with me,
make them asking my number
will make me look like a b*tch?
Dude, you need to do better than that.
I'm not that stupid lahh man.
Now what?
You mad at me?
Remove me from your friend list?
Why don't you just block me?
Please, grow up.
We're not a kid anymore.
You're seventeen man, 17.

Now, what you gonna do?
Tell all your friends that imma b*tch?
Let them know how cruel I am?
How b*tchy I am?
Is that will make you satisfy?
Then go ahead.
IDGAF man.
My friends know me well.
And I know myself.

Go ahead Syad Falah, do anything that can make you happy.
But talking shit about me, what the hell will make you?

03 February 2011

2 months with nothing;

Haihh -.-"
Sia sia doh dua bulan cuti sekolah aku.
Dapat apa jeh?
Hilang kawan lagi ada.
Duit pun terbang melayang layang jeh.
Emosi terganggu.
For nothing.
Sweet memories?
Rasa rugi tak Syaf?
Padan muka kau.
Tak kenal luar dalam dah pepandai nak cakap yes.
Akibat lah tuh.
Next time guna otak nak pikir.
Apa fungsi otak kau tuh kalau tak guna.
Kau bazirkan duit, emosi, tenaga kau;
Just for nothing.
Apa yang kau dapat?
None, syaf. 
So, tahniah utk kau.
Kerana jadi bodoh yang teramat sangat.
Three weeks and you just said yes.

Nasi dah jadi bubur dah pun. Learn from your mistakes, dummy.